Our ambition is to be a centenarian
When Klas Lindberg decided to open his own restaurant, he had one thing clear in his mind: it was to be a sustainable, long-term venture. Portal would be serving the people of Stockholm for a hundred years. This vision lives on in Klas and everyone else involved in the business. Thinking and dreaming big makes it easier for us to invest in quality that will stand the test of time.

The investments we make must bring benefits today, but also tomorrow. The restaurant you are eating in is powered by renewable energy.* Everyone working here has been trained to minimise waste and we measure our waste every day. Week upon week, we get better at taking care of the various parts of the produce we buy, so that more of it ends up on your plate and less ends up in the bin.

We also set great store by buying organic produce as locally as possible. By collaborating with local farmers, we are able to visit them more often to learn more about the produce and livestock they grow and raise.
Not only do we enjoy doing so, but it also helps us understand our ingredients and how we can prepare them in the best possible way.
In addition to sustainable produce, we also think about sustainable interior design. The furniture in our restaurant is designed for Möbelriket in Småland. It is solid furniture made of materials with a long working life. Quality is about being farsighted. About avoiding constantly having to buy new products.

We buy seasonal ingredients when they at the most delicious and healthiest. We prolong the season by conserving them. During the warmer months we make jam, we juice, we salt, we dry and we smoke. We replenish our pantry during the summer and autumn and empty it over the winter and spring in a cycle that gilds the entire year.

Our employees are our most valuable asset. The breadth of our operation ensures that our team is busy throughout the day. This means that staff with families and children can work both daytime and evening shifts. This allows us to retain skills within the industry and to ensure the quality on your plate. Naturally, we are a member of the industry organisation Visita, through which we work to ensure the best possible working conditions.